About the Grindhouse
The Grindhouse Podcast started out actually, as The Dark Corner, as although the name has changed the reason behind it has not. It originally started as a way for me to challenge myself. I have a degree in film and I have always dreamed of making movies. One day a friend of mine who had also gotten a degree in film were talking about, what else, movies. I told him we should start a pod cast, or at least he should, because we know a lot and enjoy talking about movies. He told me something I will never forget. He told me “nobody wants to hear that”. That stuck with me. We are two knowledgeable youngsters who watch old movies in an era of Star Wars and Iron Man. “Who wouldn’t!”  I thought. There are so many movie podcasts out there, and the majority of them all talk about the same things. Modern movies, and a lot of pop culture. Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore a lot of them, and look to most of them for motivation on what I do. So I thought. How can I be different? How can I be unique enough to stand out in a crowd? Well, that’s where the focus comes in! I have chosen to look at a lot of the cult classics! Movies forgotten by time, movies that built the way we see cinema today! I have the knowledge and the know-how to talk about the filmmaking process and who better than someone who genuinely loves these works of arts!   It started slow. One episode out and I was nervous and doubting myself. But I got a feel for it and after about the 3rd episode I absolutely loved what I was doing. I focused on an era of film and did a theme with Vincent Price as the focus. My friends and family became my audience and gave me some helpful advice. It was around the 6th episode that I thought I should do a bonus and special episode. I had my dad on and we talked about Star Wars for about 1 full hour. It was exciting to say the least. We both love movies and love to talk about them so it would seem only natural to record it. We recorded Planet of the Apes right after and from that episode on we would become a dynamic duo. Hecubus and Cheesefilm now host the show and talk about movies together.   We are going strong with no signs of stopping. We love doing this and love that so many of you love it too. We blew up a little on Youtube and we plan on improving the show as we go. Thank you for listening and all your support. We hope you keep tuning in and join the fun!

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